Conservative, pragmatic and proud of the way we do business
Value Pricing
We understand that simply taking the number of hours dedicated to a project times an hourly rate does not equal "value." Consequently, although time is a very important consideration, the price of our services will ultimately be based on the degree of responsibility assumed, complexity of the engagement, special skills needed to solve problems, the application of our years of knowledge and experience to your situation, and the value to you of the services rendered. Generally, the method we will use in arriving at the price will be agreed upon before we perform the services.
Our services can also be priced to include unlimited support during the year regarding "general" adhoc questions about various financial matters facing you. This is to allow you to seek timely advice and offers you complete access to the accumulated wisdom of our firm throughout the entire year. If, however, your question or issue is "specific" or requires research, analysis or additional services, that work would, of course, be subject to our normal pricing procedures.
In the area of investment management, we are prepared to manage portions or your entire investment portfolio. To the extent your assets are transferred into our custodial accounts, we will then enter into a "fee only" relationship where you can be assured of absolutely no commissions throughout your investment process. We then assist you in allocation, completion of paperwork, monitoring, implementation, communications, etc. We will assist you in determining your ability to retire through an analysis of retirement needs and a determination of the required allocation design to meet your desired goals and objectives. We can also assist in designing your portfolio, help you prepare your investment policy statement outlining your goals and objectives, and assist you in implementation. We are available to manage and monitor your portfolio. When your funds have been transferred into our custodial accounts, the total fee begins at 1.5% of your account balance per year and drops to 0.75% depending on the size of your account. Simply retained to monitor existing portfolios, the charge for quarterly assistance and monitoring is 1.25% of your account balance reducing down to 0.25% depending on account balance.
We do not earn, charge or collect any commissions relative to any transaction implemented through us.