Why hire us to manage your money?

How we add value to your investment process and earn our fee:

No matter what investment strategy you have, an advisor whose role is anything but passive must manage it. As your financial advisor we will provide the necessary education for you to be able to choose the winning strategy and help you with the discipline necessary to stick with that strategy over the long haul. No rational person would begin a journey to a place they have never been without a road map and directions. Through our Investment Policy Statements we will assist you in beginning your investment journey with a road map. The Investment Policy Statement helps identify your investment objectives and your tolerance for risk. It also will help to determine how your portfolio will be allocated and the process we will use to rebalance it periodically to keep you on course. 

We also add value to your asset allocation decision be helping to identify your Ability to take risk, your Willingness to take risk, and your Need to take risk. Through this process, together with your time horizon, we will be able to assist you in determining the maximum amount you should allocate to stock or equities. We can also assist you, if you have a variety of different investment horizons or objectives, to appropriately set up separate investment accounts with separate Investment Policy Statements. 

We will be able to assist you in determining the likelihood of successfully achieving your goals so that we can assist in adequately preparing you to manage your expectations. We will coach you through how to stay focused so you will not be distracted by outside influences. One of the most importance areas that we add value to is to help you through the decision making process of the purpose of the money and how it will help you during your lifetime. I believe education is critically important to the success of your plan, and can help you ignore the noise of the market and deal with the emotional stress that bear markets create. Education is truly the armor that will protect you long-term. We follow prudent investment practices and adhere to a code of conduct, and regularly improve and expand our technical competency.

We also dramatically assist you in avoiding mistakes such as confusing the familiar with the safe, overconfidence, following the herd, having too many eggs in one basket, treating the highly unlikely as impossible, and purchasing products that were meant to be sold – not bought. We add significant value by providing the discipline necessary to regularly rebalance and review your portfolio to determine if any adjustments are necessary. Additionally, we can coordinate the estate and tax planning relative to your investment strategies and manage them in such a way as to keep those two costly items at a minimum.

In conclusion, we firmly believe that while costs clearly should factor into your decision to hire us as your advisor or coach, the bottom line should not be the actual cost itself but the value added to your investment process relative to the cost of the services provided

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner®,  CFP Logo Flame Design and  CFP Logo Plaque Design in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.